crabhands: new music releases

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Stay up to date with your favorite artists and never miss a new release again with our app! Connect your Spotify account and we will track the artists you follow, sending you notification alerts when they release new music on Spotify or when we discover any upcoming releases for them. In addition, we scan and track festival lineups to find the festivals that have the largest number of your artists in their lineup. We also create a playlist within your Spotify account, adding any new music releases if you choose this option. Sync your Spotify artists and manually add artists to the app to stay in the loop. Please note that you cannot listen to releases within the app, but you can do so within Spotify. Make sure to check the festival lineup before purchasing tickets. Download now to never miss a beat!

This app offers the following features:

- Artist Tracking: Users can track their favorite artists and receive notification alerts when they release new music on Spotify.

- Upcoming Releases: The app scans for upcoming releases for the artists that users follow or have saved music for, and provides a list of the latest new releases.

- Festival Lineup Tracking: The app scans festival lineups and identifies the festivals with the largest number of users' artists in their lineup.

- Notifications: Users receive daily notifications if any of their followed artists release new music on Spotify or if they have a new top festival with their artists playing.

- Playlist Creation: New music releases can be optionally added to a playlist within users' Spotify accounts, providing a convenient place to listen to new music.

- Customization: Users have the option to manually sync their Spotify artists and add artists to the app, as well as make certain artists inactive to stop receiving notifications for them.

In conclusion, this app is a comprehensive tool for music lovers who want to stay updated with their favorite artists' new releases on Spotify and discover upcoming releases and festivals. The app provides easy connectivity with Spotify accounts and offers convenient features like notifications and playlist creation. It ensures a seamless user experience and encourages users to explore and enjoy new music.